1. Does the Geostatistics Portal present only the data from the Local Data Bank (BDL)?
At the moment the Geostatistics Portal provides the access to data from the Local Data Bank (BDL).
2. Is access to data made available on the Geostatistics Portal free of charge and to what extent can the data be used?
Access and use of spatial data services made available on the Geostatistics Portal is universal and free of charge. The statistics on the basis of spatial data presented on the Portal are purely for reference purposes and cannot be treated as an official document. The above provisions are contained in the Terms and Conditions for using the spatial data sets and services of the Geostatistics Portal
3. How to solve the problem with loading the map application of the Geostatistics Portal?
You should clear your browser’s cache (cache) and reload the application. In Mozilla Firefox browser you should run the “History” in the toolbar and then choose “Clear Recent History . . . ” (or use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Del). Then in Details you should select „Cache” and click the “Clear Now”.
4. How to delete the no data symbol from the legend?
When the no data symbol appears in the legend and the data on the map is visible to all units, you can turn it off from display. To do this, you need to disable it in the Symbolisation layer by moving the “No Data Symbol” slider button to the left to deactivate it.
5. Why any type of presentation is not generated?
For many topics, especially those from the current year, the presentation you generate may consist only of diagrams that are described as “No data” in the legend. In such a situation, you should check whether data on the selected topic has already been published in the Local Data Bank. To do this, go to the website: GUS – Bank Danych Lokalnych (stat.gov.pl) and check the status of the category / group / thematic subgroup you selected – “Published”, “Partially published”, “Not published”. You will also find the planned release date there. You can check the correctness of your prepared presentation for other years, if they are available for the topic you are interested in.
6. How can I download data on residents in a kilometre grid – Census 2021?
Census 2021 data on residents in a kilometre grid can be downloaded in .shp format as part of the INSPIRE ATOM service for the theme Population distribution (demography). In order to display the datasets provided by ATOM services in the Geostatistics Portal, in the application https://mapy.geoportal.gov.pl/iMapLite/atomExplorer/, in the Feed field, put the address of the service https://geo.stat.gov.pl/atom-web/atom/PD. Instructions for downloading data can also be found in the INSPIRE tab – INSPIRE – GUS Portal Geostatystyczny. Data can also be downloaded from the Geostatistics Portal. For this purpose:
- log in to Resource manager as an external user,
- after logging in to the Resource manager, on the filtering bar for the Resource availability filter, click “x” to remove the narrowed choice only to your resources (“Mine”),
- then in the Search field, put the name “2021 census data. Residents in 1km grid.” or the resource number – in this case it will be 18433,
- in the graphic of the found resource, click the Export button and select the data format (available data formats are geojson, shp, csv, kml).
7. How to download/upload data in KML format?
The Geostatistics Portal allows users to export spatial data for resources that are shared and available for them in the Portal.
To do this, after logging in to the Resource manager, find the data to be exported on the list of available resources and select the “Export” option from the drop-down list available on the graphic icon of the resource. Next, indicate the format in which the data should be exported (KML) and indicate the coordinate system appropriate for this format, i.e. EPSG 4326 (WGS 84). This step cannot be skipped and results from the need to comply with the specification for .kml files. After selecting “Download”, the file will be saved on your computer in the specified location. Then the downloaded file can be uploaded into other GIS tools.
To do this, after logging in to the Resource manager, select the “Add resource” function (the gray ‘+’ icon in the menu bar on the left), then select “New spatial layer” and in the next dialog window indicate “Import spatial data”. After selecting the file in the .kml format and filling in information about the title and description of the resource and going “Next” – in the “Structure” window, make sure that the Source layout (at the bottom of the window) is EPSG 4326 (WGS 84) – this requirement results from the need to comply with the specification for .kml files. Then, follow the guidelines of the subsequent dialog windows. After completion, the data will be visible in the list of available resources in the Resource manager and can be loaded e.g. to the Map studio for further work on the resource.
8. What does PL_CODE mean in the data provided in the grid squares?
In accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation “COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/1799 of 21 November 2018 on the establishment of a temporary direct statistical action for the dissemination of selected topics of the 2021 population and housing census geocoded to a 1 km2 grid“, Statistics Poland is obliged to provide Eurostat with census data at the required level, i.e. in a kilometre grid. Definitions: “grid”, “grid cell” and “grid point” means the grid, grid cell and grid point as defined in point 2.1 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services).
The reference system of a kilometre grid, in which Statistics Poland currently publishes data from Census 2011 and Census 2021, is the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89-LAEA). Grid cell code (e.g. PL_CRS3035RES1000mN3057000E5131000) consists of:
- “CRS3035” is the unique identifier of the adopted reference system (ETRS89-LAEA),
- “RES1000 m” means the grid cell resolution (1000 m),
- “N[y]” encodes the so-called northing value [N], where y is the coordinate in meters of the lower left corner of the grid cell,
- “E[x]” encodes the so-called easting value [E], where x is the coordinate in meters of the lower left corner of the grid cell.
9. Is it possible to compare the data in the kilometer grid “Census 2021. Data on residents in the kilometre grid” with “Census 2011 – Data on population in the kilometre grid”?
We would like to inform that data made available in the Geostatistics Portal in December 2022, i.e. Census 2021. Data on residents in a kilometre grid refer to the resident population and cannot be compared with the data from the previous census, i.e. Census 2011 – Data on population in a kilometre grid.
In accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation “COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/1799 of 21 November 2018 on the establishment of a temporary direct statistical action for the dissemination of selected topics of the 2021 population and housing census geocoded to a 1 km2 grid“, Statistics Poland was obliged to provide Eurostat by 31 December 2022 with data on the total population at the required level, i.e. in a kilometre grid. We would like to mention that for the purposes of international comparisons, the resident population is compiled. This range of data has also been made available to national users of the Geostatistics Portal. A wider range of data covering the characteristics of the resident population by gender and age groups will be available by the end of January 2023. Currently, work is underway to prepare such data, and their availability in a kilometre grid by gender and age groups will require the imposition of statistical confidentiality. In addition, we would like to remark that according to the provisions of the above-mentioned Regulation, Member States are obliged to transmit the full range of data for the kilometre grid to Eurostat by 31 March 2024 (Art. 9).
Referring to the availability of data on the population from the 2011 and 2021 censuses, we would like to inform you that we will take steps to prepare data at the grid level for the population according to the national definition from the Census 2021, so that it will be possible to make comparisons between censuses. We assume that these data will be made available in the first quarter of 2023.
Information update: Due to prolonged works on processing, data will be available at the end of April 2023.
10. What does the statistical address point database contain and how to download it?
A spatial database with statistical address points was created to facilitate the Population and Housing Census 2011 and is regularly updated by official statistics staff. The database contains address points for dwellings only. The coordinate accuracy may differ (e.g. building centroid from the ortophotomap, parcel entrance coordinates entered by an enumerator), which is a result of different sources of those coordinates. Furthermore, the database is not officially a part of the National Official Register of the Territorial Division of the Country (TERYT) and is being maintained to support statistical surveys.
The database is disseminated in the GeoJSON format in the Poland CS92 coordinate reference system (EPSG: 2180) in the following structure:
Name | Description | Type | Field size |
WW | voivodship TERYT ID | text | 2 |
PP | powiat TERYT ID | text | 2 |
GG | gmina TERYT ID | text | 2 |
R | gmina type TERYT ID | text | 1 |
REJ | statistical region ID | text | 6 |
OBW | census enumeration area ID | text | 1 |
MSC | base locality name | text | 100 |
SIMCM | base locality SIMC ID | text | 7 |
CZM | locality’s integral part name | text | 100 |
SIMCC | locality’s integral part SIMC ID | text | 7 |
CECHA | street prefix | text | 5 |
ULICA | street name | text | 200 |
ULIC | street ULIC ID | text | 5 |
NRADR | address numer | text | 20 |
NPAD_ID | address identifier from NOBC (ID_ADR_NOBC) | long integer | – |
POINT_X | X coordinate (ETRS89-Poland CS92) | double | – |
POINT_Y | Y coordinate (ETRS89-Poland CS92) | double | – |
The database is available for download from the following ATOM feed: https://geo.stat.gov.pl/atom-web/atom/ADR.
In order to use the ATOM download service, we recommend using an application http://mapy.geoportal.gov.pl/iMapLite/atomExplorer/index.html available at the national Geoportal: https://www.geoportal.gov.pl/usluga-pobierania-atom.
To view datasets available for download from the Geostatistics Portal’s ATOM servece, the feed address needs to be entered in the above mentioned application (enter https://geo.stat.gov.pl/atom-web/atom/ADR in the “Feed URL” field).
11. How to create an account on the Geostatistics Portal as an external user?
Modules that require logging in to the Geostatistics Portal are: Resource Manager, Analysis studio, Map studio, Composition studio. Below are the instructions for setting up an account on the Geostatistics Portal:
- After selecting the module requiring login on the main page of the Geostatistical Portal, a window for selecting the login method will appear: EXTERNAL USERS or NATIONAL NODE.
- After selecting the EXTERNAL USERS option, a window will appear in which you should click the REGISTRATION button.
- In the “New user registration” window, complete the required information (remember/save the assigned login and password), consent to the processing of personal data and accept the Regulations and confirm the data by pressing the REGISTER button.
- You will receive a message from pds@stat.gov.pl to the e-mail address provided in the registration form. To confirm registration click on the activation link sent in the email.
- After activating the account on the Geostatistical Portal, you will be able to log in to the system using your own access data provided during REGISTRATION.
- If you choose to register using the NATIONAL NODE, you will be redirected to the government website and should follow the instructions appearing in the individual login steps.