On 2-4.10.2024, a meeting of the UNECE Expert Group took place in Geneva, attended by representatives of Statistics Poland. The meeting, as part of the Census Week UNECE, aims to exchange experiences related to planning and conducting population and housing censuses and to promote the development and implementation of new solutions in censuses.
Director Janusz Dygaszewicz, as a member of the Steering Committee of the UNECE Expert Group on Population and Housing Censuses and leader of the UNECE Group on Geospatial Information and Small Area Statistics for the Census 2030, presented the work carried out by the task group during the session on the review of all thirteen Task Groups and the update of the recommendations of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) Bureau. In addition, Ms. Dorota Paraluk presented conclusions, recommendations and Polish solutions introduced during the last round of censuses, including experiences from the implementation of trial censuses, among others, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Polish solutions were presented, which made it possible to achieve a very high completeness of the census, which maintained the high position of Polish official statistics in the international classification.
During this year’s meeting, one of the sessions was also devoted to innovations in the dissemination of census results, and in connection with this, Ms. Anna Sławińska, as one of the members of the Task Group for Geospatial Information and Small Areas Statistics for the Census 2030, presented the Geostatistics Portal as a tool for disseminating and analyzing census results on maps.