Geostatistics Portal Geostatistics Portal


The President of Statistics Poland is the leading body for two spatial data themes from Annex III to the INSPIRE Directive:

  • statistical units,
  • population distribution [demography].

In order to fulfil the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive the following datasets have been registered in the national register of spatial datasets and services:

  • PL.ZIPGUS.312 – statistical regions and census enumeration areas (theme: statistical units)
  • PL.ZIPGUS.2827 – population distribution (demography)

Following INSPIRE services are available in the Geostatistics Portal:

Discovery service – a CSW catalogue service publishing metadata for spatial datasets and services available in the Geostatistics Portal:

View services – published as WMS (Web Map Service):

Download Services * – a download service with ATOM profile allowing the download of pre-defined spatial data sets

For the theme statistical units the download service is available at (statistical regions and census enumeration areas (BREC) datasets available for 2010-2024 and a dataset with a 1km x 1km statistical grid).

For the theme population distribution [demography] at Following datasets are available:

  • for 2011: population data in statistical regions, census enumeration areas and kilometre grid
  • for 2021: resident population data in a kilometre grid)

* We recommend to use the application on the website of the National Geoportal administered by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography to access our ATOM download services. Use our services’ addresses to view datasets available for download (The service address ( for statistical units and for population distribution [demography]) needs to be copied into the “Feed URL” field in Atom Explorer).